The Weekly Reload Podcast

The State of the Gun-Rights Movement (Ft. The Dispatch's Kevin Williamson)

May 13th, 2024

This week, we're doing a guest swap.

I was on The Dispatch Live with Kevin Williamson a few days ago. So, he graciously agreed to join me on The Weekly Reload Podcast. We covered some ground on where the gun-rights movement stands today on his show, but there was a lot left to get at.

Will Trump turn away from gun-rights activists like he did with pro-lifers? What does it say about that movement that it's so reliant on Trump and the Republican party writ large? Why aren't we seeing more of a political effect from all those new pandemic-era gun owners? Will we ever?

Similarly, we picked up where we left off on the Washington Post's Pulitzer prize for its AR-15 expose publishing graphic images of mass shooting crime scenes. Williamson argued the piece was litered with factual errors and, worse, it was intentionally misleading in what images it didn't publish.