The Weekly Reload Podcast

NRA Reformer Reacts to New Leadership

May 27th, 2024

This week, we're talking to one of the men who led the effort to reform the NRA from within.

Phillip Journey has been an outspoken critic of the corruption that unfolded at the gun group during Wayne LaPierre's tenure, and he's been trying to fix the problems from within for nearly half a decade now. That work appears to be coming to fruition now. He and other reformers propelled alternative candidates to three of the NRA's top four leadership positions last Monday, including LaPierre's old position.

Journey expressed optimism about the outcome of the leadership elections. He believes the NRA has a real chance to turn itself around and avoid a government-appointed monitor in the second half of its New York corruption trial. Although, he also admitted he doesn't have direct say over how exactly the group will move forward in a number of areas.

He also cautioned that the NRA doesn't have a ton of time to work with. The group's financials are worsening, and those woes even forced it to sell off $44 million in assets at the beginning of the year. Journey urged people to help the organization through the downturn so reformers could have a chance to enact their planned changes.