James Alan Fox
Special guest
James Alan Fox has published 18 books, dozens of journal and magazine articles, and hundreds of freelance columns in newspapers around the country, primarily in the areas of multiple murder, youth crime, school and campus violence, workplace violence, and capital punishment. As a member of its Board of Contributors, his column appears regularly in USA Today. In addition, he was the founding editor of the Journal of Quantitative Criminology.
Fox is one of the principals in maintaining the Associated Press/USA Today/Northeastern University Mass Killing Database. He has worked on criminal investigations surrounding serial and mass murder cases and served as a visiting fellow with the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Fox often gives keynote talks on campuses and to professional or community groups, as well as testimony before Congress and in court. He has presented to various leaders here and abroad, including President Clinton, Attorneys General Reno and Holder, and Princess Anne of Great Britain.
James Alan Fox has been a guest on 1 episode.
Northeastern University's James Alan Fox on Mass Shootings
July 25th, 2021 | 53 mins 36 secs
Northeastern University professor and USA Today contributor James Alan Fox joins host Stephen Gutowski to discuss the misleading way media count mass shootings and the solutions for them.